Tuesday, February 23, 2016


These next two posts will be coming from the drink chapter of the cookbook. Both feature Prosecco, an Italian sparkling wine, as the main ingredient base of the cocktail. 

Both are very simple to put together, especially in a pinch when company comes over at the last minute, and will infuse some flavor into your Prosecco. 

This first recipe features limoncello, which is a spirit that is made in southern Italy from the peels of a lemon. Trying the limoncello on its own, I found it to be quite smooth, even for someone such as myself who tends to not like any hard liquor. As a sipped it, I felt as if I were in a villa overlooking the southern Italian coast on a warm summer day. 

To start, I place some Angostura bitters any large spoon and add a sugar cube. When the sugar cube has absorbed the bitters I put it into a champagne flute. 

The lemon cube then gets topped with the limoncello and Prosecco and it is ready to serve. 

I had to use the champagne flutes that my wife and I received as a gift at our wedding. I don't have my own champagne flute collection because I tend to drink the same type of wine at home, usually red. Hey, you like what you like.  

Overall, to me this drink was a little bit too bitter from my personal taste. I can't imagine having this drink without something to eat to go along with it, but maybe that's just me and my preference. I think the drink is a little bit too 'Real Housewives of Orange County' and I am a little bit too 'Duck Dynasty' for me to get into it. 

In the next post, I will make the other Prosecco based cocktail. Until next time...

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